Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Jason Kidd's Abusive Wife

So that time Jason Kidd slapped his wife a few years ago...he was really just trying to protect himself. The clouds have parted and I see the light! Poor Jason Kidd, not only is he stuck on an underachieving team who should be dominating the Eastern Conference (and they will still go on a run, soon, mark my words all you sports investors, and when they do...make sure to hop on board.)...he's also married to a hot wife who beats him.

Poor, poor Jason Kidd.

The only thing I can really say about this, though, is to reaffirm my belief that Jason Kidd is on eof the scariest looking athletes. Seriously. Mike Tyson may say that he will eat your children, Jason Kidd actually will. Chris Kaman is also ridiculous frightening, but he's more of a villain like Jason, Michael Myers, or some other cheesy horror flick. Jason Kidd is pure evil looking, he'll eat your children, spit them out, and eat them again.

I wouldn't mess with Jason Kidd. And if I was married to him, hell, I'd probably would beat the shit out of him too because I'd be confused--as in, why is Satan coming into my bedroom? Get out, Satan! Get out!


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