Basketball and Hockey...oh my
So far on this site we see nothing but football. Does this mean that is the only sport we are concerned about and cover? After all, we are talking about 'SPORTS Investing' here, and I can guarantee that the Positioning Group is making money right now off of the NBA and NHL and what not. In part, I bear most of the blame for the lack of coverage. Hey, my name is CollegeBoy, I'm supposed to be lazy, right? Mr. Masters doesn't think so, however, and he tells me I better get off my ass. So here we go.
NBA, what am I thinking? Where to begin...and where to come up with something original. Or, not original, but something that hasn't been beaten to a dead horse. That's one of the problems about the internet, and also what makes it great, is that there are so many voices out there. Unfortunately, the old question: "If a tree falls in the forest but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" has just been given a shot of Botox.
All right, so I can't talk about the new ball, can't talk about teams that are falling apart, teams that are surprises--I mean, tune into any blog, TV show, website, you can get all the news you would want. What can I offer, one lonely CollegeBoy? Don't want to talk about the gambling aspect of it just what do I talk about? I certainly can't talk about trying to come up with something to talk about, because that is just silly--though it appears to be what I am doing right now. Think CollegeBoy, think.
CollegeBoy can't think, so I'm going to take the easy route: talk about myself.
I'm not the hugest fan of basketball. I'm a sports fan though, and one of the greatest things about sports is that if you aren't doing anything, are bored out of your mind, you can always find yourself lost in a game. So I'm no expert in basketball or hockey, I can rip the video games, follow all the action, even think I can be a better commentator than some of these people on the air--but I can't analyze these sports by myself. Perhaps it's I don't have video equipment or maybe I don't see a point to it, since there so many people analyze sports today, what can I add to something that ultimately falls apart anyway?
That's the thing about watching videos, the difference between the ideal and the actual. Take the Iraq War for example. In the video room (the war room), the planners of the invasion watched a bunch of videos, came out with the best game plan they thought possible (I hope), and then everything fell apart. In a similar fashion, I was driving in New York the other day and I needed to get to a certain place. I called my girlfriend up, she went on google maps and found me the best route, but when it came time to take action, the road was blocked with cars and people and I had to audible my ass out of there.
Watching video is a huge benefit, however, as it prepares the team, or our country, or even myself driving with an idea of what to expect. It's just a mistake to assume that the team that prepares the most is the team that wins, not necessarily true--it's like those kids in high school who studied half an hour, got an A+ on an exam while you and your four weeks of study have to be a happy with a solid B. Sucks, but it's a lot better than those kids who studied half an hour and failed though, right?
So what am I trying to say here? I'm not suggesting I'm one of those kids who can watch a game and tell you everything about everything for an A+ report. Nor am I suggesting that I am going to be watching hours and hours of video, I'm not, I'm just not that interested. I watch me my sportscenter, read a bunch of articles in the newspaper and online, but that's all. I'm just an ordinary fan.
What I am suggesting, however, is that I hope I will be able to write meaningful (to a degree) blog posts about all of the sports world and not just football, because as great as this football season has been, it's not good to focus on one sport. Monogamy works fine and I'm committed to my girlfriend, but I'm a SPORTS investor in training, and that means I have to be committed to all Sports, all the time.
Therefore, the whole point of this article, something that could be summed up by the following line is: be prepared for posts about other sports. And be prepared for a Rutgers Football article. As alumni, I told Pete and James about the program, and they believed in me and made a bunch of money off them, good news, but as for myself, I'm enjoying the hell out of this season. RU, RU, RU ready...ha, check out this rap.
They got the right idea, got the timing, and everything. Good for them, and good for us all. Until next time, peace out people.
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