Cash So Fast It Should Be Illegal - 5 Secrets To Becoming Filthy Rich In No Time Flat!
Everyone in America is always trying to figure out how to become rich, but no one ever seems to come up with any answers. Some folks invest their money through stockbrokers and financial planners. Others play the lottery. A few even try to pray to their god for it; but none of these strategies ever seems to work. I do SPORTS INVESTING. Through Sports Investing, I am able to create wealth over time by strategically implementing my predetermined strategies and compounding my wealth in no time flat. Today I am going to give you my five secrets to becoming filthy rich in no time flat. If you follow these secrets and implement them every day you should have more money then you know what to do with, before you realize it.
Always Be Prepared
I learned this motto early on in the boy scouts. As a child, I would laugh and think it was silly. However, as a sports investor I know this may be the single most important secret to success. In order to be successful as a sports investor one must always create a method or strategy for producing their desired results and stick to it.
Stay Open-Minded
More would be millionaires never achieve success because of closed mindedness. Then fail for lack of a good idea. Most people seek to be average. They want to keep up with the Joneses and do what everyone else is doing. The problem with this is it allows your mind to shut down. When a person says I can’t make money watching sports or sports investing won’t work they allow their mind to except it and stop working on idea’s to make it work. Be open-minded look at every idea for its possibilities not for it’s shortcomings. Instead of saying sports investing won’t work try saying how can I make money watching sports. By looking at things with this mindset, you force your brain to continue working on a solution and solutions breed results.
Don't Be A Know It All
When it comes to creating wealth through sports investing, you always want to make informed decisions. This doesn’t mean you need to think you have all the answers. It means you should listen and take advice from people in your field who are more successful then you. A person who walks around thinking they know everything usually doesn’t know shit. To take a life motto from the great Socrates who lived by his quote “I know nothing” always live your life asking questions in search of new ideas. If I thought I knew everything I would have never become the handicapper I am today. I personally buy every book or study every course I can get my hands on, because if I can take just one good idea from everything I read and implement it. I’ll personally make a fortune off of each idea.
Stay Focused
Sports Investing is always about decisions. You constantly have to make choices on where to put your money. It’s easy to follow your friends who are out there making cowboy style decisions and losing a lot of money in the process. These are exciting and fun. They make you feel like things are really happening, but the thing that’s happening is your losing your money. The hard choice is to stay focused on your plan and remain on the road to prosperity.
Never Stop Hustling
A big reason people never become rich is they become complacent. You always need to stay humble but stay hungry. When people stop the grind and no longer hustle this is where they fall off. I spend every day going through my plays to make sure I’m maximizing my profits. It’s when you get too big for your britches that you start to think you make money because you’re good. The reality is you’re good because of the work you put into making money, and the fact that you’re not afraid to hustle.
By implementing these five steps in your everyday life, you are well on your way to accomplishing all of your goals. Sports Investing is a smart, fun way to maximize your profits and earn that income that is so desired. Too many people fall into holes and traps by simply “winging it”, make uneducated guesses, and then end up failing hard. Everyone who is successful at what they do, follow a simple plan and make sure they stick with a formula to success. This article should give you a head start with a simple 5-step program to become a Sports Investor. For any questions or more information, please go to my website at where we cover these topics in greater detail.
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