Sunday, May 06, 2007

Picks Review

Okay, so in my little post yesterday, I put out my bets I did for earlier today, and I went 4-1. Not bad. Def take it. The one misfire was the Atlanta Braves, and Hudson didn't pitch all that bad, Atlanta just didn't score until it was too late. Happens. Look at Halladay, a lot of people lost on him today, but what can you do. I liked how the Yankees rebounded, I like how Santana properly scared me from taking the Sox, who had a chance to win it late on an Ortiz or Manny homer, but it didn't happen. I sort of wish I kept the 100's going with the Mets, but hey, no regrets.

So, I share one day and I go 4-1. Fortuitous or part of a larger pattern? To help you decide, I'll go again. Note: when I say 100 on Yankees (which I will, shortly), I mean I bet whatever I need to bet to win a 100. I don't know, that's just how I roll...I guess. On to the picks.

Second note: The 100 bets, in most cases, involve teams on winning streaks. For example, the Tigers bet I'm about to make, they already made me 400 bucks, since I started betting them once they hit 2. So if I lost this bet, I'd be up about 270 or so, which is not bad. Meanwhile, the Yankees bet I made yesterday, I had to put up 275 to win 100. A bit more risky there, but I was just sure they were going to win--worst thing to do, I know, but you have to sometimes.

100 on Yankees (sticking with the possibility of an upcoming streak).
100 on Tigers.
50 on Baltimore. (Sabathia loses first game this year, Baltimore hits 3)
50 on Oakland.

Easy bets, easy bets.


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