Power Position Betting Presents CollegeBoy: Sports Idiot
It's pretty funny to see that the New York Knicks, at 6-11, are one game out of first place in the Atlantic Division. There is a joke here, but it is too easy to say. However, much like football has parity on a league level, where any given sunday (a phrase repeated once too many times now in these posts, officially, so a phrase now retired) any team can win, there is a certain parity in basketball. It is the opposite of Highlander. All the teams in the Eastern Conference have their heads cut off, like chickens at the slaughter house, except instead of one entity sucking up all the power and energy, it sort of just sits there and festers in a puddle of woe and terribleness (and not even Orlando can claim to be the Highlander of the bunch, I'm sorry. But can't you imagine Grant Hill in some darkened room, sucking the energy out of the Celtics and Knicks and all those other once storied and great franchises? Well, I can). Unfortunately, there must be one to represent them--and, like I already said, it will not be Orlando--so who will it be then?
Bill Simmons, ESPN columnist over at page 2, wrote how he would like to see a one-on-one match up between Wade and Lebron, with their teammates standing around and shoving one another, fighting over whose star shines shines brighter.
I like it. But they won't make it.
Now, a good question all of you could be asking is, who the hell do you think you are CollegeBoy? I mean, you call yourself CollegeBoy, very original, very cool, super-duper, but who cares about that, just tell me who the hell are you?
Good question. So. What I do know? Who am I? What opinion can I offer to this convoluted and semi-preposterous blog-o-sphere?
Well, I'm nobody. I'm just starting out, starting to gain credibility and the thing is, I don't care about credibility so if i gain it or not, I could care less. So I'll offer this, and you can just ignore me, but I'll be there a few months from now, saying I told you so.
This is the Nets year to return to the Finals. Their stiffest test will once again be the Pistons, but this year they take them and here is why I think this: oh, and this is of course granting the fact that once the playoffs finally roll around, my opinion will have been changed two or three times--like I said, I'm learning, and everything I see on TV and online tells me I have the right to change my mind a hundred different times, the whole time saying I knew it all along.
Anyhow, the Nets have the ability to play some amazing ball for a stretch of the year. Every season there is a stretch where the Nets look untouchable. This year, I'm thinking the stars line up just right for another embarrassing Finals loss. It looks grim now, but this is part of the plan. They play terribly, halfway through go on a 15 game win streak (and all you betters out there, once that happens, you get your wallets ready), play terrible again, then finish up and down before losing in the first or second round of the playoffs.
Not this year. Barring injuries and, you know, the Nets playing like the Nets.
Hey, I'm not a professional. I'm an idiot. And this idiot feels things.
So what does this idiot CollegeBoy feel about what's happening on the ice?
Got to love what's happening in Anaheim, which is something a lot of people predicted, including your humble idiot here. After the Mighty Ducks got Pronger, I bowed my head and felt the wind of Lord Stanley exhaling my way, whispering...mighty......ducks.....mighty.....ducks.
Now they are 19-2-6, and looking incredible. I have Giggy on my fantasy team, and am riding him to first place currently yet again. There is something about fantasy that bothers me, but I won't say anything about it here, expect that column to appear Friday. No, right now we're focusing on hockey.
Across the pond, you got Buffalo playing even better than the Ducks--19-3-2, so three games in hand on the Ducks. Still, i don't see (check that, feel) a Sabres-Ducks clash to lift the Cup. No, so. What do I feel?
The New Jersey Devils.
Wow, can we see some more bias for the state you live in and the teams you? Well, yes. I'm a Knicks fan and pretty much hate the Nets. But I am a Devils fan. And, this is way to early to be talking about this stuff, so I'm just havign some fun, and what sounds fun to me is:
New Jersey Nets and Devils. In the Finals. Losing to teams out on the West Coast in California. What, you don't think the Mighty Ducks are gonna win? They will. And so will the Phoenix Suns. Cause they're not even in California, and that's why this idiot here feels like that.
Strange. I'm talking in the third person, at times, and calling myself an idiot. Wow, I hope I'm not wasting too much of your time.
One last word. When it's time to talk championships, we'll talk seriously. Until then, have fun and watch some sports yo. Drink some beer and yell out stupid things. We live once, might as well live as jackasses.