Aqua Teen Terror Force
Two men were arrested today in connection for their part in a "hoax terror campaign" that left millions fearing for their lives in Boston...except this "hoax terror campaign" was a promotion for the upcoming Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie. And the hoax was a magnetic sign of everyone's favorite (well, everyone not in government) Mooninites, placed in a position to give the maximum number of people passing by the finger. Oh, what's more, the signs had been up for three weeks previous to this, but only caused this level of fury now--which signifies two things: 1. the publicity campaign did not work too well and 2. people are pretty retarded when it comes to things like this.
C'mon Boston. I didn't see three-week old warnings posted onto the World Trade Center of a boxy looking thing giving America the finger. Then I could understand the reaction this garnered. But this? This is ridiculous. Honestly, I'm ashamed to be an American right now. Out of all the things that have happened to possibly shame me the most, this takes the cake, and if people know me, they should know I never use a phrase like "this takes the cake." But I did, because I am outraged.
Even my mother turned to me, earlier in the day, laughing and saying "doesn't this show how paranoid we are?" My mother laughing, my mother who when there is an electrical storm and the power is knocked out, wonders if its terrorists in the neighborhood. Even she thought this was ridiculous. Boston mobilized bomb squads, shut down subways, damn. What's the point of actually setting bombs, if you could put up a Mooninite and cause the same level of damage. A perfectly non-violent way of destroying America.
Now, the promotional company is at some fault. They probably should have informed the city of their intentions, just to make sure it was kosher--and the hanging wires out of the device probably didn't help their cause too much, but still. Aqua Teen Terror Force? Nah, I don't think so. Where was the stoner kid who could have saved the day by informing them of who these signs were supposed to represent? Probably at home watching re-runs of AQHF.
So. How does this relate to Sports Investing? Well, since you ask, there is a tendency to get freaked out at certain news, and to change the status quo. For example. Golden State was on the road against Cleveland, the other day, and Lebron was injured. A lot of people placed big money on Golden State, even though Golden State was a terrible road team and the Cavaliers were one of the league's better home teams. I stuck to my guns, placed a normal wager on Cleveland, and the Lebron-less Cavaliers won by 20, easy and done--money in my pocket. You see, Cleveland is 8-2 without Lebron. One man does not make a team, and the trend, no matter what was being said on the news, was too great to ignore.
Other examples are good news coming out, and the individual raising the amount of money they place bets with, ultimately to ruin--or maybe not, but most likely yes. No. Listen to the news, it's just more information to use, but stick to your money management system, stick to your plan, stick to your status quo. When you see news like this, well, my guess your only action would be to cancel a road trip to Boston because of all the people freaking out...and that's about it. You're better than that. That's what Sports Gamblers do. You're a Sports Investor. Chill out. Relax. Watch all the people go crazy...and laugh. And remember, stay sharp, play smart.